When you have determined the type of vehicle you need then you should look into financing before you determine if you want to purchase direct from an owner, off the internet or a dealership. When you buy from anybody, the rule of thumb is to go to carfax.com with the VIN number to check out everything about the vehicle you have in mind. You need to find out if the car was in an accident, damaged in a catastrophe or any major thing that might affect the vehicle performance. You should check when you are buying from a private individual if they have a clear title or if a note is being held. When you have these major things under control then you may proceed with buying the vehicle.
The loan is the next thing on your agenda making sure that you are getting the best rates possible without being penalized for any reason beyond your control. You should check out your own credit score making sure that everything is in proper order. When you are purchasing your vehicle from the auto dealer, make sure that you are getting a car loan not a Retail Installment loan. You should find out if the dealer is planning to sell your loan to a bank or other lender. You want to find out if they are participating in the APR earning some for them if the mark up is high enough. You have the right to know the interest rate on the type of loan that you are going to be signing. The car dealer is not providing you a service they are selling you a product in the form of a loan. After you have successfully taken care of all the technical points, set back and enjoy purchasing your vehicle.
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